Am meisten angesehene Artikel

Eating cheese slices can function as a kind of team building activity. We eat cheese slices after the Jungschi afternoon, for example. On the one hand, we use this as a source of nourishment, but also to strengthen the leadership team.

In the new quarter of our EPA season, we are starting a new theme that is all about different short stories. They are related to children or animals that God uses in amazing ways. The next story we will look at is about the little dog who took some torn pages from the Bible to the Chinese command and eventually 82 soldiers from that command accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior.

Key Message: As newborns, change begins in us and those around us!

Hans-Georg Gerster

This season, we will look at the story of William Tyndale, who translated the Bible from Hebrew into English. Through this story, we will be able to show children the importance of the Word and that we should be thankful to have it in a language that is accessible to us. We will experience different things that are part of the story.


Common Problems in the Jungschar

Idea for a sheep made of yarn


Rituals strengthen a community and remind what agreements are in place.

This season, we will look at the story of William Tyndale, who translated the Bible from Hebrew into English. Through this story, we will be able to show children the importance of the Word and that we should be thankful to have it in a language that is accessible to us. We will experience different things that are part of the story.

Are our offers still customer-oriented? Do they still meet the needs of our time? These are questions that we have to ask ourselves again and again, if we do not want to lose the status and thus the children in our society.

Finally in a few lines you can discover evangelical scouts. A viable alternative. See:

Even the smallest thing which we consider unimportant can make a huge difference in the world.

The goal of the game is to transport as many letters as possible into his depot, in order to finally be able to lay as good words as possible.





A children's week on the theme of "time travel"

Flag Football is an ideal preparation game for American Football

The giant dinosaur from the ice

In the new quarter of our EPA season, we are starting a new theme that is all about different short stories. They are related to children or animals that God uses in amazing ways. The next story we will look at will be about John Sr. and his family. Our emphasis will be on the fact that no matter what difficulties we get into, God will not abandon us and he will always be with us.

This game encourages the sense of touch.

This is a semester program on the World Cup soccer theme.

The demographic development in Europe leads to a steadily growing proportion of children and young people with a migration background. Their integration is a fundamental challenge for the youth groups.

This book holder is guaranteed to catch the eye and is also very practical and inexpensive, because it prevents the books from falling over.


This article corresponds to the BESJ annual focus 1993:

Worshiping God:

Youth group - church


Push-up race in knee-deep water. Only the hands touch the ground. The feet can drag or paddle.

A relatively large amount of money can be saved in certain areas with little effort at Jungschar camps. This article is a collection of tips on how to keep the financial expenditure as small as possible

This EPA starts in a slightly more unusual place than usual... a collapsed building, and the clue we had uploaded to Facebook this time was shackles.

for you and your team

Steps into God's presence - in five steps into the "tête à tête" with God. Here, across from God, you will find energy for you and your team

At this EPA, we decided our theme would be The Deception Between Esau and Jacob,

We began with a short skit between "Laban" and "Jacob," with the skit expressing Laban's promise to give his daughter for seven years of labor on Jacob's part.

For anniversary and inauguration celebrations, it's good to have sponsorship competitions.

Mikado game with "big" sticks

This article is about how you can raise money for your work.

A short bouncy game that can be played anywhere

The timetable contains in detail all the points that need to be clarified and distributed in advance during a camp preparation.

The template has been used for two camps so far (Regiolager 2006 in Trun and Sola 2011 in DE).

To welcome the new teens to the teen club we have a party!

Water game with little effort - great success!

Helps clarify Bible stories for children's worship, school, and home.

For the anniversary year of the Jungschar, offer a Chilbi (German: Kirmes/Jahrmarkt).

At a family retreat, you can play AUTODORF-RALLEY for a change.

A short game where you can let off steam intensively

Locally, regionally, or nationally, create teen group performances at church, crusade, graduation party


Developing the leader personality

This is a pants bag game that can be played in the tun hall with little materials. It encourages cooperation and a willingness to help each other among the participants.

We make cards with sand pictures / cast pictures

while contemplating Bible stories

In this afternoon's EPA, we investigated a case that concerned a dispute between two mothers regarding a child, each claiming that the child was hers.....

Have you figured it out yet, yes this is the case that King Solomon solved quickly, easily and most of all wisely.

As usual we started with a welcome, rules and a preface.

Three arguments for your personal testimony

With this Bible reading idea, you can experience 10 to 15 inspiring minutes together with other people from your group.

Ninja is a game to bridge short waiting periods.

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to look at God's Word, continuing with the theme God's Word is like fire.

Playing football with teens, modeling and passing on faith.

In the new quarter of our EPA season, we are starting with a new theme that is related to different short stories. They involve children and animals that God uses in amazing ways. The next story we will look at is about a little girl who really wanted to have blue eyes like her mother.