Am meisten angesehene Artikel

Present a recorded situation.

As they search for the rescue submarine, everyone is in the dark. Yet it's in the middle of the ocean, acting all calm while everyone else searches excitedly.

A fun icebreaker where there is no loser.

Playing Human Soccer with Asterix and Obelix.

Scissors Rock Paper is a classic among the pants bag games where no material is needed.

It is not at all easy to find a theme for the camp, for the Bible nowhere tells of ice and snow.


Big Game Event

See PDF file

for detailed description

From a piece of wood and some nails a hedgehog can be made easily and without much effort even with smaller children.


An accident has happened - what to do?

- Don't lose your head

- Take immediate measures and order

- Inform

The value of life - divine.

Divine life - without loss of value.

The task - to make life worth living.

We organize a soapbox race with as little effort as possible. This can spur the teens and kids to build their own soapboxes.

In this game players play in groups. These groups get the task to take pictures of certain objects and/or certain constellations. To solve this task, they have to find the given motives and partially need to ask by-passers for help.

Bible passages for focused prayer

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to look at God's Word, continuing from the theme God's Word is like light.

A simple little craft. A bookmark is melted together from 5 drinking straws.


  • 7-14 years
  • Between 10-15
  • Indoor or outdoor
  • 2-3 supervisors will be needed to monitor the game
  • 45 min to 1 hour


A glance at the children's section of a bookstore is enough to see the importance of the theme of friendship. Books with tales of brave children's gangs share the shelf with friendship books to fill in yourself. 


Attached is the rough program for a camp on the theme "Go West - Settlers". Unfortunately the planning of the last day is missing. But it is worth looking at the other seven days.

Other games:
- Good day, Mr. Forester
- Fox and hare
- Forest word game

Do you know the board games:
- Shovelboard
- Go

With this Bible reading idea, you can experience 10 to 15 inspiring minutes together with other people from your group.

This game is about community, orientation and hearing well.

Disciplined behaviour is extremely important in a Jungschar. Only in this way is it possible to run programs in such a way that they are fun for (almost) everyone. And only this way it is possible to do activities with a little higher risk with the children. In these situations we have to be able to rely on them.

It is said to happen to the ablest of tea-circle workers that they occasionally struggle to put together a game night or use games well-placed.

Here shall Abhillfe come!

This game is all about theatrics, and in the process, everyone wins.

Get to know each other through play and become familiar with each other.

To walk the world without eyesight is a challenge for those who are not used to it. There is a lot to discover here. For the participants, this can be a real adventure

A fun game of tag.

This is what we live for: All children and youth in Switzerland have the opportunity to hear the Gospel in a way that enables them to choose Jesus and be discipled.

(BESJ Mission, according to Matthew 28:18-20)

Steve the parrot is happy with every turn more, but before Steve can fly off he must be wound up once released he works like a big flywheel. Depending on the length of the thread and the thickness of the paper, it can even fly for quite a while

You youth leaders do an outstanding job! I think it is great with what passion and commitment you often fight Saturday after Saturday for children and teenagers in your age groups!


New, Effective Ways in Community Building

1. Family as part of the creation order

2. Happy families form the best foundation of any social order

3. Families - Temples of God

4. Family as a shelter against the destructive, anti-human decay

5. Families helping families - social networks

6. Winning whole families for the kingdom of God

7. Families experience joy(s) - imagination - peace

8. ... before it's too late


Living as a role model - how holy do I need to be?

With the help of craft sheets can create beautiful works of art. The templates can be downloaded as a PDF and printed. Since the templates were created by professionals, you can assume a high quality.

Colored snow sculptures isn't that even something special?

General thoughts on reading the Bible:

- Communion with God
- God waits for echoes
- God invites us to an encounter with Him

To be a department leader in the Jungschar involves several important points:

Teenies can participate in a self-chosen interest group for a certain period of time. They work actively and propose project topics themselves, e.g. foreign cooking

One comes home with a wealth of impressions from the team weekend.

How can the effect be more lasting?

1. Which point would you like to implement personally, for yourself, at home?

2. in "partnership" implementation goes better

(Following are excerpts, for complete article: see PDF file)

Two groups go from house to house to exchange one item for a bigger one.

This game is played with flower sprayers or water atomizers. The goal is to get the ping pong ball into the goal of the opponent with the water pressure from the bottle.

Encourage the teens' existing creativity and let it come to fruition by planning, designing and realising a joint project. It is possible and makes sense to let the teens themselves work out the type and execution of a project in the competition. The joint realization of the project should lead to a sense of achievement, which encourages more creative activities (project can be combined with public relations!)

Riddle and brain game

Which group is the most credible encyclopedia?

Frisbee games can be played anytime and almost anywhere.


The more Bible knowledge we impart to our children, the better equipped they will be for life. Is that so?


This is a catch that has to do with science fiction.

Invitations contain the necessary information about your events, such as meeting place and time. They serve on the one hand to inform your youth about upcoming events and on the other hand as a simple means to invite outsiders.

Eating cheese slices can function as a kind of team building activity. We eat cheese slices after the Jungschi afternoon, for example. On the one hand, we use this as a source of nourishment, but also to strengthen the leadership team.