
With this Bible reading idea, you can experience 10 to 15 inspiring minutes together with other people from your group.

How do children and teenagers learn? What shapes learning? What consequences does this have for the learning process? This article aims to provide information on these and other questions.

A fun re-telling of the story of the 4 friends who bring the paralyzed man to Jesus. By

Memorizing names is sometimes quite difficult. However, if we do it and consciously address our counterpart by name, we show our appreciation for this person: "You are important enough to me that I have remembered your name."

A night cross-country game in the forest, abseiling, a trekking camp, an afternoon of raft building and rafting. These activities have been standard in Jungschar work for a long time. Is this now already an experiential education activity? What opportunities and possibilities can offer an experiential education activity? 

This article is a Forum booklet article. 

Fun variation on a well-known game.

Very fun to do at a bonte evening or as a component for a hexathlon.
Fits well into a program about the senses.

Sailing across the sea with the Jungschar, discovering America and having great experiences - who hasn't dreamed of the great adventures of Eirik and Halvdan, Hroald and Knútr and what they were all called.

I'll do it! I'm not doing it! Do I? I'm not doing it?

Going out, reaching out to others, takes overcoming. What will she/he think if I suddenly come and exemplify the faith or tell something about it?

I am not going to do it

This article is a Forum booklet article.

Not only "fun and action" are attractive for kids. A creative project needs a lot of effort - but the result is worth seeing!

Ideas for pre-evangelistic projects from practice. A field report from Langenthaler Jungscharen.

This article is a Forum Heft article and it is attached in full as a pdf below - only excerpts are reproduced here.



When the idea for a cross-country game is missing

... then why not try this one! It doesn't always have to be the spy game - right? Here the game is presented in the Fischer variant, but of course it can be adapted as you like.

This article is a Forum Heft article. 

Estimating distances takes some practice, but is worthwhile - especially in orienteering and outdoor programming.

Bet: You can't estimate the length of five 50-lappers strung together to within 10 mm?

This article is a Forum issue article and it is attached as a pdf below.

A knight's camp held in a ruin is presented.

This article is a Forum issue article and it is attached as a PDF file.

A program is presented for a local camp. The Robinson theme is incorporated into the devotions, quiet times, games, excursions and experiences. 

This article is a Forum booklet article.

30 Years Jungschar Rüti 

The anniversary celebration is a good opportunity to come out to the public, but also just to thank God for his faithfulness and preservation thought the now active leaders.

This article is a Forum booklet article.

This article describes the developmental stages of children and adolescents.


Crafting a hot air balloon is not difficult

Here's the more challenging version to try

This article is a Forum booklet article.



                 and Help them Mature

Here you'll find a pair of suggestions for setting up a wall in, say, a Nehemiah camp.

For a long time the church of F. has regularly made interesting meetings for the family members of the youth and teenagers. Everyone is invited - "family" is not seen so much genetically as "spiritually".

The family is a family

1 Camp Plan

1 Spiritual Concept


17 Program Blank

Photos, flyers, history

Useful tips and links about personality tests

This is how good newspaper articles are made: 

A good public image builds trust and gives valuable relationships. Writing for newspapers can be done by those who have basic knowledge of spelling, grammar and sentence structure. This article will give you some valuable tips.



Tinkering with quarterly programs

11 Afternoon Programs re: ABRAHAM

In this night terrain game, players are on a quest to find a secret agent. This agent is in possession of a very important briefcase. Will you find out the necessary information to lure him out of his hiding place?



Here are a few suggestions for what to take for content at Jungscharn afternoons if you have the quarterly theme mission.

This program was created for Poland as food for thought. The weekly plan could be done like this. However, it has more ideas on a separate sheet what you could still do.

One semester is done and the next quarter is starting. But with which topic?

Here are a few suggestions.

This document gives you a little insight into child development, specifically competencies. We often expect too much from our children, or overtax them. Even in the Jungschar work, where we do not see the children every day, it is important to know their level of development.

Children do not only develop outwardly, their faith also changes with age. Youth leaders need to be aware of this and shape their messages accordingly

A kind of rugby where not physical strength is needed but speed.


Which group manages to get their flag out of their opponent's field and into their own? This is a movement-intensive terrain game that needs almost no preparation.

Collection of ideas on the bearing theme Nehemiah.

Also selectable as a semester program or single game.

It is not at all easy to find a theme for the camp, for the Bible nowhere tells of ice and snow.

A fun game to play during breaks.

A well-known pastry that you can now make yourself.

Brittle is a sweet that is essentially caramelized sugar and almond flakes.

Balloon figures inspire children!

Here are the instructions for a swan.

Bedouin teenie camp for 5 days

Orienteering is a typical Jungschart activity. Jungschartechnik (map reading), sporting activity and nature enjoyment are combined here in an ideal way. Here we explain what you have to consider when preparing an orienteering run

Disciplined behaviour is extremely important in a Jungschar. Only in this way is it possible to run programs in such a way that they are fun for (almost) everyone. And only this way it is possible to do activities with a little higher risk with the children. In these situations we have to be able to rely on them.

Soon we meet for the joint departure to the "New World", as America is also called at this time. Are you prepared for adventure and western life? We are looking forward to our time together!

Here are a few ideas and tips for writing articles.

Achja: As with every other article on the YoungstarsWiki: Additions are welcome!

A game of Fangis that requires a bit of team spirit.

Colored snow sculptures isn't that even something special?

The snow is on fire, the snow is on fire!!! Can this be true?

Polar bears can be quite dangerous, every Inuit - that's the right name for Eskimos - knows that and gets into his igloo as quickly as possible. This is also the case in this game, in which two groups represent the polar bears and the Inuit, respectively.