SIA Detectives Ltd - Cain & Abel

Submitted by Hrisko on

To begin with, our day leaders welcomed the children in the usual way, then the leader, who was playing the lead investigator on the case, explained that the next crime we would be investigating was theft. During this time another head came through the door, he explained in a sober tone that they should put the theft aside because something more important had come up, namely murder. He explained that as he was walking in the field he saw a dead man on the ground. The two of them and the chief investigator then got the children ready and together they all walked to the park where the usual investigative game took place.

Treat- There was a treat of fruit

After the game and the treat we went back to the church.

Praise and Sharing- Praise and sharing followed with the key message "I choose to rejoice in the success of others!" using the passage Genesis 4-1:16


We continued with another game


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