Buck throwing (shepherd game)

Submitted by pemko123 on

Hit the "buck" with your stone and don't get caught

Age from 12 years
Number of players 8-10
Game location Meadow
Material None

10 to 12 steps away from a throwing line, 4 to 5 flat stones are piled up to form a "trestle". This is guarded by a buck keeper.

The other players throw one flat stone each at the "trestle" from the throwing line. If one of them hits the "trestle", all throwers may retrieve their projectiles and then flee behind the throwing line. First, the keeper must pile the "buck" back up. Then he may chase the throwers in the field. If he can hit one of them before he has crossed the throwing line with his stone, he must play the keeper in the next game.

The following rules apply:

Whoever has thrown his stone further than the "trestle" can flee back with it directly behind the throwing line. However, the player whose stone is closer than the "trestle" must first hit the picked-up stone on the "trestle" before he is allowed to flee back.

If no one has hit the trestle, individuals or groups try to run into the field to retrieve their throwing stones, at which time the keeper may knock them off. However, they may not flee back behind the throwing line without their stones.

Source image: https://unsplash.com/photos/Yig-SCHMCl0

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