Game with posts

Submitted by Hrisko on

Age group: 8-13yrs.

Participants: 60

Terrain: field

Number of leaders needed: 12

Post 1: Defeat the enemy

Materials: slingshot, pebbles, targets and cans with faces of Philistines and Goliath

Game: Each child is allowed 4 attempts to shoot the slingshot- each Philistine knocked down- 1 point, Goliath- 3 points.

Post 2: Guard the crown (ball)


Game: There is a ball in the bucket and a rope that surrounds the bucket. With the materials available, the children have to pick up the bucket without the ball going outside and without stepping over the rope.

Post 3

Post 4: Keep balance and pass on

Materials: spoon, bench, cone, table, ball

Game: put the ball on the spoon, start the game by walking along the bench then go under the table, around the cone and back to the starting line and pass the baton to the next person.

Post 5: Verse Puzzle


Game: The aim is for the team to show their knowledge and guess the verse by cutting it up.

Post 6: Right on target

Materials: tennis balls, can

Game: Stand in a zigzag line , pass the tennis ball and the last person puts it in the can and a new ball is taken. Play is timed and the points are the balls scored.

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