
No ideas for the silent time booklet (SZH) at camp? Maybe these two examples on the topic of "Petrus" will inspire you.

An input on the 9th commandment, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." Three different movie scenes from "The Hurricane" with Denzel Washington are shown and a parallel is drawn to the similar case of Jesus. The focus will be on the false testimony and what it caused. The participants should become aware of the effects a false statement can have and they should be sensitized for this topic

In our youth group we first played a game in which one of the youth was wrongly accused of throwing a stone at a leader during an integrated water fight. A whole trial was staged with judge, jury, prosecutor, false witnesses, with some of the participants being part of the jury. Much like the movie "Hurricane."

Of course, you should know the story and plot for input. Watching the movie beforehand can't hurt ;).

It is gratifying that singing Christian songs takes up a large part of our camps. But why is this important and what conditions must be fulfilled so that singing can succeed?

A semester program of 7 devotions and activities based on the story 'The Schlunz' by Harry Voss.

Everybody loves to get a present, a beautiful bike, colouringpencils, a doll, etc.
God gave us the most beautiful gift... ...His only Son, Jesus Christ.

Semester program of 6 devotions on the life of Queen Esther.

A semester program of activities on the theme "Simply Animal!" and with 8 devotions via various animals.

A semester program of various activities on the theme of "I love ..." and with 7 devotions on Genesis.


What is an orchestra? What instruments are played? And: Does everyone play the same instrument?


Tackling the session and so his team and the work in the name of God is what the author advocates.

Lesson for KIDSTREFF

Some churches have switched to the KIDS TREFF/Promiseland model. There are new lesson materials for this. In this post, we take an existing lesson written for Jungschar and modify it so that it can be used in KIDS TREFF. 

See PDF file for detailed description and instructions


A fun re-telling of the story of the 4 friends who bring the paralyzed man to Jesus. By

Learning Bible verses by heart is a good way to deepen core messages. This can be done in a fun and playful way, so that children as well as leaders can learn Bible verses by heart without much effort or expense

Memorization should take no more than 15 minutes. With the different game variations in advance, however, it can take longer in total.

It can be used at the beginning of the devotion as an introduction or at the end of the devotion as a consolidation. The Bible verses, which are learned by heart, should always be linked in the context of a core biblical message.

This devotion is a possible devotion on John 6:1-15 and can be found, for example, at the afternoon program to the feeding of the 5000 men can be used.