Jungschar uniform

Submitted by BESJ-Tell on

Why is there a need for something as old-fashioned and traditional as a uniform in the Jungschar?

This is a fair question. If you look into the question a bit, you will find many reasons to have a uniform in a Jungschar group. This article shows how a Jungschar uniform can become a can't-miss element in Jungschar.

Why a uniform?

  • A uniform conveys unity and social equality
  • defuses fashions and brands dress constraints
  • creates community and togetherness
  • is a group identifier and has nothing to do with military
  • is socially widespread and nowadays also fashionable again

Why a Jungschar uniform?

  • The Jungschar uniform is personal
  • allows for creativity
  • symbolizes belonging
  • is a collection of camp badges and memories
  • shows long-standing affiliation with loyalty badges
  • can be inscribed with personal Jungschar name
  • is a practical piece of clothing
  • is a proud reminder even after active time


A central element of the Jungschar uniform are badges. Be it from a Sola, a Pfila or otherwise from an anniversary event.

It is important that a simple, large logo is chosen, clear colours and no colour gradients are chosen, the year is noted and a legible font is used.

A recommended supplier with very good value for money is iBadge

There you can get batts from small to large batches, including an iron-on glue layer. Prices can be calculated online based on quantity and batch size. For compensation, a sample can even be requested (supplied as a photo).


Faithful Batten

A great way to do this is to award Jungschar attendance to faithful Jungschärlers. Each Jungschar afternoon, weekend day or camp day attended gives one dash. When you reach the required number of strokes you get a coloured batten. All the battens together make up the colors of the Campus for Christ Good News booklet.

20 Jungschar visits: black batte

40 Jungschar visits: red batten

70 Jungschar visits: white batte

100 Jungschar visits: green batte

130 Jungschar visits: gold batte

200 Jungschar visits: sack knife with Jungschar name engraved

Stars exams

Another option is to decorate the second sleeve with stars or pioneer exam badges

Picture credits

  • Michael Keller, v/o Tel
  • Samuel Dorrer, v/o Bobo

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