
The stopper hitch is a knot that clamps when loaded and slides when unloaded. Similar to the Prusik.

For a long time, the church of F. has regularly held interesting meetings for the family members of the youth and teenagers. Everyone is invited - "family" is not seen so much genetically as "spiritually". Everyone is invited to be part of the "family of God". Here even singles, grandmas, neighbor kids, single mothers .... feel comfortable. The meetings are organized by families or small teams from the community. The focus is not on perfect organisation, not on a stylish programme, but on fellowship, games, fun, conversations, spontaneity, mutual service, encouragement and sharing.

Have you ever tried making plaster masks? Haven't you? It's a great craft, but needs some instruction.


New, Effective Ways in Community Building

1. Family as part of the creation order

2. Happy families form the best foundation of any social order

3. Families - Temples of God

4. Family as a shelter against the destructive, anti-human decay

5. Families helping families - social networks

6. Winning whole families for the kingdom of God

7. Families experience joy(s) - imagination - peace

8. ... before it's too late


A wind direction sensor, called a wind vane or weather vane, is an indicating instrument for determining the wind direction. A movable measuring element aligns itself with the dynamic pressure of the wind.

A scroll, was used before there were books, newspapers or a PC. Many children do not know what a scroll looked like or how it was used. During the devotion this scroll can be unrolled and read out. Afterwards, each child can make such a scroll and for each new story there is a new picture in each hour, until the story, for example, of Joseph is finished.

Steve the parrot is happy with every turn more, but before Steve can fly off he must be wound up once released he works like a big flywheel. Depending on the length of the thread and the thickness of the paper, it can even fly for quite a while

Two players face each other and play the ball to each other. The ball must be hit about in the middle of the fabric, when the ball comes the two timbers are pulled apart and the ball flies back.

This game is played with flower sprayers or water atomizers. The goal is to get the ping pong ball into the goal of the opponent with the water pressure from the bottle.

This poinsettia is bast from tree branches. He is easy to build and looks besondern as a star to Christmas lights decoration great. If this star is tinkered with small children should be especially careful when cutting the branches and when gluing with the hot glue gun so that the children do not hurt themselves. 

Prayer class for each day of a week with theme:


To do this, we look at the life of Gehazi, the servant of Elisha

Build a small, simple, inexpensive boat with kids that actually floats? No problem, with this pet bottle boat.

With the compressed air in the balloon, these boats swim fast and quite a long distance. Try different hoses, tubes, woods, balloons and tapers (narrowing at the air outlet) and see with which setting you get the farthest.

This book holder is guaranteed to catch the eye and is also very practical and inexpensive, because it prevents the books from falling over.

This boat moves forward in the water with the energy stored in the rubber by turning the paddle wheel backwards. It can be experimented with different amounts and thicknesses of rubber until the best result is achieved.

Individual stickers are always a real eye-catcher. They form a perfect advertising space, can be information carriers, to mark objects or simply used for decoration. Either you print your own stickers at home or look on the Internet for printing companies where you can design your own stickers.

Ninja is a game to bridge short waiting periods.

To knot the monkey fist (a ball) is not so difficult and does not take as much time as many think. The monkey fist is mainlyused as a decorative knot.

According to Wikipedia, the monkey fist is also called Schmeissknoten, Kindskopf or Monkeyhead.

In many churches and congregations, children have to move to other age groups. It can happen that this becomes a problem. Why this is so and what can be done about it, this article wants to give information about.

It's that simple to create a camp song that will stay in everyone's ears at least until after camp.

No ideas for the silent time booklet (SZH) at camp? Maybe these two examples on the topic of "Petrus" will inspire you.

A paraphrase for Youngstar leaders on 1st Corinthians 13

An input on the 9th commandment, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." Three different movie scenes from "The Hurricane" with Denzel Washington are shown and a parallel is drawn to the similar case of Jesus. The focus will be on the false testimony and what it caused. The participants should become aware of the effects a false statement can have and they should be sensitized for this topic

In our youth group we first played a game in which one of the youth was wrongly accused of throwing a stone at a leader during an integrated water fight. A whole trial was staged with judge, jury, prosecutor, false witnesses, with some of the participants being part of the jury. Much like the movie "Hurricane."

Of course, you should know the story and plot for input. Watching the movie beforehand can't hurt ;).

A course for the blind in which there are many deceptive voices.
The challenge is to listen only to the right instructions.

And God said, "Let there be space between the waters to separate the waters." And so it happened, God created that space to separate the waters above and below it. And God called the space "heaven." It became evening and morning: the second day. (Genesis 1:6-8)

I have the devotion on the second day to the "dividing of the waters." We now disagree on what the water looked like in the sky. I imagine clouds. As we know them now. But my brother thinks there were no clouds before the Flood and it was a layer of water in the sky. Can you help us there? What did the water in the sky look like?

In the limited playing field of a group, about 15 bend lights are hidden in the meadow. The opposing group must run through the field and without being caught by the opposing group bring these bend lights to his playing field and hide them again.

A fun game of tag.

As they search for the rescue submarine, everyone is in the dark. Yet it's in the middle of the ocean, acting all calm while everyone else searches excitedly.

A fun icebreaker where there is no loser.

Create and play a creative commercial so that every child has the opportunity to contribute their ideas. Every child is actively involved in the commercial, so no exclusion or indifference is possible.

The somewhat different cooking recipe. The ingredients must first be looked up in the Bible passages :D

Make an orienteering course with the Bible. This article shows you how to make an orienteering event where the participants are led through different Bible passages to the next post. It's fun - let yourself be surprised...


This is a summary of the book:

"Youth Ministry with Vision"

by Doug Fields from Projection J Publishing.

ISBN: 3-89490-318-X

It is gratifying that singing Christian songs takes up a large part of our camps. But why is this important and what conditions must be fulfilled so that singing can succeed?

Building a presentation with Prezi

To ensure safety and a pleasant coexistence in a camp, it needs rules. Here are the most important ones

Perfect if you don't want to organize too much, but still want to have fun.

What all belongs in a camp booklet, you learn here.

A semester program of 7 devotions and activities based on the story 'The Schlunz' by Harry Voss.

Relay? No! No way. That's way too dangerous, and what could happen there!

We want to show you that abseiling doesn't have to be any more dangerous than playing cross-country in the woods. If you observe the basic safety precautions, then abseiling becomes a good and special event that will be remembered for a long time.

See PDF file

for complete article with pictures of knots, carabiners, etc

Whether we like it or not, children love an occasion where they can live relationships and have fun. How can we create a child-friendly environment? 

A variation of British Bulldog.

Two groups go from house to house to exchange one item for a bigger one.

Gain Self-Knowledge Through the 10 Commandments

Texts on this in the Bible: Exodus 20:1-17; Deut. 5:6-18; Matt. 5:17-7:29; 22:34-40; Gal. 5:16-24 

The "Five Faces" are different ways in which people come up with creative ideas. Most people use mainly one of the faces. However, each of the faces has advantages and disadvantages and works better in certain situations than in others. Therefore, we should try to train the different faces in us. We should also learn when to use which face best

Everybody loves to get a present, a beautiful bike, colouringpencils, a doll, etc.
God gave us the most beautiful gift... ...His only Son, Jesus Christ.

The rider is carried on the banner through a course, the direction is given by his plan, because his wheels are blind!

He gives commands but it has interfering "callers" in between and his wheels must listen only to him.

Present a recorded situation.