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Here you can find an overview of over 850 youngstars names, collected at the BESJ Team Weekend Ideas Fun-fair with over 1000 youngstars leaders from Switzerland.

How do I build a raft for water activities with my children/teens? Find instructions with all the information you need here!

See also:

A carousel for 2 or 4 children is to be set up as an attraction on a camp site for 2 or 4 children

See also Build carousel

Three heroes embark on a challenging mission. The king wants water from enemy territory. How much water can the heroes find for David without getting caught?

The cover picture shows the game board.

Track Mister X by bike using coordinates.

This outdoor-sauna is run by a fire with a pressurized pot on it, that is providing steam to heat up your sauna.

With a sock and a box inside, the start is given for a sock puppet. Now it is quite individual. You can create your sock puppet with all kinds of craft materials.

Here is a little tutorial on how to make up three different types of wounds. To spice up any paramedic course or in the afternoon. (Caution! For people who cannot see blood)

An action-packed off-road game. Best suited to the forest.
