Wasserspiele für Nichtschwimmer

Submitted by Ramba on

Was tun, wenn man Nichtschwimmer in der Gruppe dabei hat?


You have to make beginners familiar with the water. Best way to do this are movements in the water and games where you can still stand in the water. Also you should not stay too long in the water. Who despite movement freezes should immediately get out.

Note: The water acclimatization should be a positive experience.

Possible games for non-swimmers

Book reference

  • Workbook - Gustav Frog dives off! Unterrichtsbausteine Wassergewöhnung
    Water familiarization and learning to swim should be a positive experience for children and also provide confidence in dealing with the element of water. In this workbook, leaders of water familiarization and swimming courses, as well as kindergarten teachers, teachers, and parents will find sparkling ideas for learning the core elements (breathing, floating, gliding, propelling) and jumping. ISBN 978-3-7252-0913-2, Leseprobe

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