
4 varied posts for Ameisli.

  • Water for Ahab
  • Ravens as food suppliers
  • Boredom at the stream crit
  • Shelter for Elijah

Each post relates to the story of Elijah at the brook Krit.

Best done in the woods.

Key Message: As newborns, change begins in us and those around us!

Hans-Georg Gerster

This EPA afternoon was a recap of the theme of "The Secret of the Wild Wood" and we tried to include the most revealing moments of the story, wanting to emphasize that by changing Ruth, they were able to help everyone around her by influencing them and they changed.

4 items on the topic of "feet" (e.g. suitable for the semester program "body parts")

  • Water transport with socks
  • Stone transport on feet
  • Pedalo ride
  • Shoe salad

The children can score points at each post. At the end one group wins.

Suitable for ants.

This is the last EPA afternoon of this story about The Secret of the Wild Woods. It was where we relived the last adventures with Ruth and Philip and made the connection that we will have a new body in the sky.

Age group: 7-14

Participants: 10-15


Leaders needed: 2 for the production and 5 total for the game

Idea for a sheep made of yarn

We will have a new body in heaven!

Prepared by

Background on the topic

Age group: 8-13yrs.

Participants: 60

Terrain: field

Number of leaders needed: 12

A life without sickness and torment awaits us in heaven!

Prepared by

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to continue with the story of the Secret of the Wildwood, having adventures with Ruth and Philip and making the connection that a life without sickness and sorrow awaits us in heaven.

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to continue with the story of The Secret of the Wildwood, experiencing adventures with Ruth and Philip and making the connection that everyone needs repentance.


  • age 7 to 14
  • between 10-15 participants
  • Indoor or outdoor
  • 2 handlers will be needed to prepare

After we have experienced a cool Sola with Asterix & Obelix, we do not want to withhold our planning documents from you and hope to be able to provide you with tools and ideas for an exciting Sola.

If you have any questions or uncertainties, please do not hesitate to contact us at Jungschar Uzwil.

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to continue with the story of The Secret of the Wild Wood, having adventures with Ruth and Philip and making a connection so we are ready to give it our all, however small.

- Number of players- 30

- Leaders - 8+1 to lead the game

- Age group- 9-12

- Terrain- field

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to continue with a story of the Secret of the Wild Wood, having adventures with Ruth, Philip and Terry and making the connection that what we sow we shall reap.

You reap what you sow!

Prepared by



  • 7 to 14 years
  • up to 15 participants
  • 2 leaders and 4 helpers
  • about 30-40 minutes


  • 20 scarves
  • 4 earplugs
  • 1 long bar
  • 1 short bar
  • 2 flags
  • 2 morse code
  • 2 tarpaulins
  • lantern
  • whistle
  • ropes
  • 2 metal stilts

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to continue with the story of The Secret of the Wild Wood, experiencing adventures with Ruth and Philip and making a connection to making friends and helping people without prejudice.

In this afternoon's EPA, we investigated a case that concerned a dispute between two mothers regarding a child, each claiming that the child was hers.....

Have you figured it out yet, yes this is the case that King Solomon solved quickly, easily and most of all wisely.

As usual we started with a welcome, rules and a preface.

At this EPA, we decided our theme would be The Deception Between Esau and Jacob,

We began with a short skit between "Laban" and "Jacob," with the skit expressing Laban's promise to give his daughter for seven years of labor on Jacob's part.

To begin with, our day leaders welcomed the children in the usual way, then the leader, who was playing the lead investigator on the case, explained that the next crime we would be investigating was theft. During this time another head came through the door, he explained in a sober tone that they should put the theft aside because something more important had come up, namely murder. He explained that as he was walking in the field he saw a dead man on the ground. The two of them and the chief investigator then got the children ready and together they all walked to the park where the usual investigative game took place.

This EPA starts in a slightly more unusual place than usual... a collapsed building, and the clue we had uploaded to Facebook this time was shackles.

Building an improvised bivouac without talking to each other is a real challenge.

But the results are impressive.

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to look at God's Word, continuing with the theme God's Word is like a sword.

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to look at God's Word, continuing with the theme God's Word is like a mirror.

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to look at God's Word, continuing from the theme God's Word is like light.

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to look at God's Word, continuing with the theme of God's Word as seed.

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to look at God's Word, continuing with the theme God's Word is more valuable even than gold and silver.

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to look at God's Word, continuing with the theme God's Word is like honey.

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to look at God's Word, continuing with the theme of God's Word as milk.

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to look at God's Word, continuing with the theme God's Word is like fire.

The prepared program is on the theme of God's Word as..., and at each of our 10 gatherings related to this theme we look at God's Word as a different thing. Our aim is to get the ladies to think about the fact that the Bible is not just a book.

Simpler and very tasty z'Vieri!

Action-packed game in three phases that takes into account the different needs of ants and young warriors and is perfect for an introduction to the story of Noah!

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to continue with the story of The Secret of the Wildwood, having adventures with Ruth and Philip and making the connection that As sheep listen to the voice of their shepherd, I listen to the voice of God.

Game maze


  • 7 to 14
  • between 10-15 participants
  • In a park or forest
  • 5-6 leaders
  • About 25-30 minutes


  • Ropes
  • Blindfolds

Game trails


  • 7 to 14
  • 10-15 participants
  • In a park or forest
  • 5-6 leaders
  • About 25-30 minutes


  • empty boxes
  • Grains (beans, lentils, corn, etc.)
  • Tin cans


  • 7 to 14
  • Between 10-15 participants
  • Indoor or outdoor
  • 1 leader is enough
  • Up to 10 minutes at most


  • 16 matchboxes
  • Different types of grains ( beans, corn, lentils, etc.)

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to continue with the story of the Secret of the Wildwood, having adventures with Ruth and Philip and making the connection that Jesus wants to find every lost sheep.

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to begin with the story of the Secret of the Wildwood and look at the lives of the two children Ruth and Philip, making the connection that Jesus loves each of us, no matter what we are.

The program is based on the book "The Secret of the Wild Wood" about a girl named Ruth and her brother Philip and their adventures. Our goal is that in 10 gatherings we can experience some of the story and encourage children to want to follow Jesus like Ruth and Philip.


  • 7-14 years
  • Between 10-15
  • Indoor or outdoor
  • 2-3 supervisors will be needed to monitor the game
  • 45 min to 1 hour

Age: 9-14

Heads: 1-2

Age group: 13-18

Number of participants: 55-60

Number of leaders: 10-15

Age group - 7-12 years.

Handlers - 1-2

Suitable terrain - level ground. Can be on grass, but there should be no dew.

For this purpose, everyone stands in a circle and one person (the goose) stands outside the circle. He walks in a circle around the people and when he touches someone, the person touched has to make a circle around the circle, racing the goose, and return to his place. However, if the goose gets there first, it stays put and the other person becomes the new goose.

It is important to remember that when the goose touches someone, it runs in the direction it is walking, and the person touched, in the opposite direction.

The well-known "sink ships" as an active game for indoors or outdoors.

Who can keep the balloon in the air the longest?