
- What the children notice should be made an issue

- Stress in the forest is not a daily goal

How to create a forest day with groups


An accident has happened - what to do?

- Don't lose your head

- Take immediate measures and order

- Inform

Inline skating offers many ways to make physical education fun and attractive.

Similar to tennis, yet incomparable!

Frisbee games can be played anytime and almost anywhere.

An X-Athlon provides an answer to the question: how do you engage groups of children in a challenging and varied way without too much material expense?

Flag Football is an ideal preparation game for American Football

Useful advice for various venues and situations


Program blocks in the camp program:

- in which all can participate

- which must "carry" over a long period of time 

- where material and location can be organized to some extent 

Four different viewpoints on orienteering:

- Wildlife and bird species in contact with orienteers
- Sensitive terrain areas
- Consequences for course layout
- Ecological orienteering calendar

The forest offers ideal conditions for hide-and-seek as well as adventure games. However, clear rules must be agreed and certain safety precautions taken

Your camp participants should have many play options and opportunities available to them in the non-programmed time in camp ("marginal times") in self-selected play groups, in pairs or alone

Enterprises are larger games and sporting events in camp, such as:

- Olympiads
- Games tournaments
- Major competitions
- Games festivals

What could be better on a Jungscharn afternoon than a good portion of mini-games? Apart from a brilliant input and the classic "Schoggibanane" for Zvieri actually almost nothing. Although I hope that every youth group leader knows many such mini-games, unfortunately the same games are often played, or even worse, no game comes to mind at the moment
Therefore it offers itself to arrange mini Game Cards.

The way to such Mini-Game Cards is visibly easy and is great fun.

1. Look for funny games in books and on the internet.

2. Divide these games into different categories (wild games, quiet games, etc.)

3. Consider from what age the game is suitable and how long it lasts.

4. Choose a motivated and creative mini-leader in the authority of your office and make him the knight of creative ideas.

5. This person will then do the main part of the work and design the cards.

If, however, you don't feel like or have time for this work, simply download the Mini-Game Cards our Jungschar, edit them even more to your liking, print them out and laminate them and the whole spit is done.


Are you taking home 3 cans of pepper and salt again after every camp?

Do you re-buy all your spices before each camp - and then find more somewhere?

Spices have a long shelf life and can therefore be used again in the next Pfila

This article describes how to make a simple arrow bow from old bed slats.

Instructions on how to make an arrow bow from a PVC pipe

This article describes how you can build a water rocket with simple material, which flies up to 50m high!

In another article, the construction of the launch pad is then described.

Here are instructions to create a dart with a needle, 4 matches, a little thread and a piece of paper.

This is a semester program on "Walking with Jesus"

This is a semester program on the theme of Joseph

A Semester Program on Queen Esther

Here you can find our semester program, which we made for the CD Jetzt gits Ärger from ERF. 

Here you can find our semester program about the Swiss trip

Various running games in knee-deep water.

Here you will find a semester program on the body

This is a semester program on traffic signs

Here you will find our semester program on the theme of different comic book characters.

Each afternoon we took a different comic book character through.

As decoration we always had a big picture of this comic character beamed on the wall at the entrance and showed a short film about the topic.

Push-up race in knee-deep water. Only the hands touch the ground. The feet can drag or paddle.

Here you will find a beastly semester program

A fun short game that requires only paper and pencils.

This is a semester program on the World Cup soccer theme.

You can also do races in the water. Perform forward and backward in knee-, hip- and chest-deep water in succession. In deep water, assist with strong arm movements.

From a piece of wood and some nails a hedgehog can be made easily and without much effort even with smaller children.

This is a semester program on the theme of Jonah.

What to do if you have non-swimmers in your group?

From a coffee capsule (for example Nespresso) can easily be made an angel for example as a Christmas tree ornament.

For example, to represent a Lightning McQueen (or even another character) in a game, it can be made from a cardboard box with simple means.

This is a semester program on Native Americans.

Visiting a cave is an exciting adventure for young and old. Natural wonders can be marvelled at, which can only be found in a cave.

Craft a great water rose out of paper and watch it bloom.

Many many games in 2 groups, in chair circle

Bible passages for focused prayer

Make miniature match-powered rockets with just a few household items!


From the wrong to the right father!

Quiet Time - Day 1 - Day 7


This is not about easy recipes, it is about the biblical way. On the one hand, this way is a way of joy, because God wants to ignite our heart and make us useful for his plans, but it is also a way which is often uncomfortable and makes us look deep into our inner being.