Sicheres Velofahren in Gruppen

Submitted by Irmgard on


Velotouren in Gruppen sind sehr erlebnisreich, mitunter aber auch gefährlich.

Daher wollen wir besonders verantwortungsbewusst handeln.

Riding a bike in groups - is special

Bike tours in groups are very eventful, but sometimes also dangerous. Therefore, we owe it to the young people and their parents to act particularly responsibly as leaders. This is not always easy, because the young people are often too little aware of the risks. It is true that they ride their bikes very often in their village or neighbourhood. But this is quite different from a bike tour on unknown roads, possibly unpaved and with a lot of downhill, in a group and with luggage. Here, new dangers lurk that the young people sometimes do not even recognise, but which the leader must be aware of, and which he must counteract by taking preventive measures.

Good preparation by:

  • Velo test
  • Preparing and planning a tour
  • Building groups
  • Discuss immediately before departure
  • Create a test course
  • Checklist: Condition of individual bike parts
  • Checklist: Rideability of the bike
  • Regulatory equipment of the bike (see: Cycling - safe in the saddle)

For details see PDF file

Source credits:

Author and images: Max Stierlin, ETS, BASPO Shop

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