Kampf der Ameisen

Submitted by Irmgard on


Ein Spiel für Ameisli

Game form

The game is played in two or more races. Each race is identified by a colored ribbon worn over the shoulder. Each race has an anthill.

This is a field (about 4 m in diameter) delineated by a plastic band. In each anthill there is a queen ant (or a king ant). This is a leader who supervises what is going on in the heap. Each player receives a game pass and five game cards at the beginning of the game.


The goal is for each race to collect as many game cards as possible.

See PDF file

for details

Source Credit:

Author: Esther Salathé Images: Esther Salathé/ www.juropa.net

copyright: BESJ Switzerland www.besj.ch

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