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Attention, Ready, Paul: Here you will find a weekly plan on the theme "Attention, Ready, Paul" and some pictures, as well as a short review of the conducted autumn camp.

For once something completely different is an Olympiad that is performed blindfolded - a totally new experience!

Critical questions and statements

On the Bible text: Genesis 1:1-31

All chapters in detail, see PDF file (24 pages)

A fun song with movements.

The song can also be sung simply in dialect.

A camp on the theme of the monk / Luther which was carried out by the Jungschar Ebnat-Kappel so.

This game is all about seeing and looking in the right place.

Experience the forest with all your senses.

Children in particular love being out in nature. This offers them opportunities for play and adventure without sensory overload. Nowadays, however, you sometimes have to put children on the track(s) and guide them first.

Make football playable with a special rule for groups with children of different ages.

Whoever has done it before knows that explaining and leading games is not always the easiest task. The following tips and instructions should help you to become even better at it

Petroleum lamps are easy to use and really bring out the boy's spirit in camps.

Petrolamps can be ordered online.

Here's a quick guide on how to use a petroleum lamp.

This petroleum lamp is also called storm lantern or lantern.

Semester program 1st semester 2011 of the Jungschar Stammheim

Wordle is an online software for creating word clouds. You can use it to decorate a flyer. Here the link to create.

4 items on the topic of "feet" (e.g. suitable for the semester program "body parts")

  • Water transport with socks
  • Stone transport on feet
  • Pedalo ride
  • Shoe salad

The children can score points at each post. At the end one group wins.

Suitable for ants.

Age group - 7-12 years.

Handlers - 1-2

Suitable terrain - level ground. Can be on grass, but there should be no dew.

For this purpose, everyone stands in a circle and one person (the goose) stands outside the circle. He walks in a circle around the people and when he touches someone, the person touched has to make a circle around the circle, racing the goose, and return to his place. However, if the goose gets there first, it stays put and the other person becomes the new goose.

It is important to remember that when the goose touches someone, it runs in the direction it is walking, and the person touched, in the opposite direction.


  • age 7 to 14
  • between 10-15 participants
  • Indoor or outdoor
  • 2 handlers will be needed to prepare

This program was created for Poland as food for thought. The weekly plan could be done like this. However, it has more ideas on a separate sheet what you could still do.


Suggestion for 7-Day "Quiet Time Instruction" on Selected Chapters of Revelation

A game in which a high level of responsiveness is required.


  • Age group 7 to 14 years
  • Depends on how you make the game, but can more participants
  • Outdoors in the city
  • At least 3 leaders
  • Between up to an hour

A night cross-country game in the forest, abseiling, a trekking camp, an afternoon of raft building and rafting. These activities have been standard in Jungschar work for a long time. Is this now already an experiential education activity? What opportunities and possibilities can offer an experiential education activity? 

This article is a Forum booklet article. 

Heat the tin over a camping stove until it becomes liquid. Then pour into the prepared mold. After cooling, sand the pewter figure with files until it fits.

Many many games in 2 groups, in chair circle

The tidying up of the tents causes trouble for many leaders. Here are a few tips on how to tidy up and inventory lists for the most common group tents

The Life of Elisa: 7 Days of Camp "Quiet Time"

Why? The word of God in the head and heart is a preserving power

A collection of good ideas for JS afternoons that don't belong to any particular quarterly theme.

A carousel for 2 or 4 children is to be set up as an attraction on a camp site for 2 or 4 children

See also Build carousel

Here you will find a tutorial on how to make a simple bubble device yourself. This can be used for competitions, as it is possible to make long bubble snakes (more than 1m long).

This program is based on the book "The Queen's Smuggler" by Dave and Neta Jackson. It tells the life of a girl named Sarah who wants to help William Tyndale- he translates the Bible into English. Over the course of 12 gatherings, we will look at the story and go through some of the things Sarah and her family have experienced.

Build a small, simple, inexpensive boat with kids that actually floats? No problem, with this pet bottle boat.


A commitment can be the solution.

Here you will find a semester program on the topic: "Bomb". From the chase with bomber to the "bomb party" is everything in it.

Spike your haymaker to the finish line

Max the gymnast moves while turning the crank and performs his little tricks. It does not matter to Max whether he moves forward or backward, fast or slow.

How do children believe at different ages?

The idea of this EPA afternoon is to look at God's Word, continuing with the theme God's Word is like a mirror.

Various camp programs with a "Gold Diggers"


Here you can find some of the many ideas that were exhibited at the BESJ Teamweekend 17 in Huttwil. We wish you a lot of fun trying them out.

P.S.: At the moment, the list is constantly being expanded, so it's worth checking back later...

This game is meant to spread kindness.

Here are a few suggestions for what to take for content at Jungscharn afternoons if you have the quarterly theme mission.

During the telling of a biblical story, the children are each given a drink that suits them. This allows them to experience the story and immerse themselves in the feelings of the characters.

Preparation of Pulled Pork

  • Working time approx. 45 minutes
  • Resting time approx. 45 minutes
  • Cooking/baking time approx. 3 hours
  • Total time approx. 4 hours 30 minutes

Remove excess fat from the pork neck and rub with the mustard on all sides. Mix the paprika powder, salt, pepper, cumin powder, thyme and rosemary to make a spice mixture (rub) and rub the neck of pork generously with it. Leave the meat to marinate in the fridge for 12 - 24 hours.

The next day, cut the apple into pieces and the onions into half rings.

Heat the Briquettes for the Dutch Oven. I use 6 at the bottom and 14 at the top for my 11 litre pot. Place 6 Briquettes under the pot and sauté the onions in oil. Then add the apple and sauté. Add the Worcester sauce and tomato paste and fry briefly. 

Deglaze with the stock and put the pork neck on top. Put the lid on and load it with the remaining coals. If you have one, you can also fit the pork neck with a thermometer. After approx. 1.5 hours, you can add a few more Briquettes (unless you have specially long-lasting Briquettes).

After approx. 2.5 - 3 hours, the roast is done, the core temperature should be approx. 90-95 °C. Take it out and let it rest for 30 - 45 minutes wrapped in aluminium foil. Afterwards, the roast can be pulled and served according to taste. 

Either enjoy in a roll with green and coleslaw and 1 - 2 tbsp. of the onion-apple sauce or put it back in the pot and mix it with the onion-apple sauce - a real treat. Serve with a good piece of baguette.


Children who exhibit challenging behavior want to position themselves in the best possible way. I want to affirm these kids that they matter. I want to let them shine, because I want them to be king kids. 

A program is presented for a local camp. The Robinson theme is incorporated into the devotions, quiet times, games, excursions and experiences. 

This article is a Forum booklet article.

Children also have basic emotional needs

Cool terrain game for teens

We make a pentagon lamp with a tea light

and have a devotion afterwards