
Submitted by LukiLeu on

Auf einem Blatt Papier (o. ä.) müssen zwei Spieler sich möglichst schnell fortbewegen ohne dabei den Boden zu berühren.


  • Lid, wooden board or paper


At the beginning a "race track" is marked out (approx. 15 - 20m). 2 players play against each other. At a starting line, both players line up next to each other. They each stand with one leg on a base (cardboard lid or board), the other lid they hold in their hand. After the start signal has been given, both players place this second lid as far away from themselves as possible in the direction of the target. The standing leg must not leave the lid lying on the floor. After this has happened, both players jump onto the newly placed lid. The old lid is caught up with one hand and placed far forward again, without leaving the new lid. In this way both players move on towards the goal. Whoever arrives there first has won the round. The winners from this first round (if there are more than two players) organize a second round. Again, only the winners remain, who then start a third time to determine the overall winner.

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