
Submitted by Irmgard on


Ein X-Athlon gibt eine Antwort auf die Frage: Wie beschäftigt man Gruppen von Kindern ohne allzu grossen Materialaufwand auf eine anspruchsvolle und abwechslungsreiche Weise? 

X-Athlon - off-road group competition

An X-Athlon provides an answer to the question: how do you engage groups of children in a challenging and varied way without too much material expenditure? The proposed form dictates that different groups complete the prepared stations at different times. Individual items only have to be solved (with control), other items are evaluated.

Each group (two to six players) is given its own order of post completion. These can be posts that need to be counted themselves or possibly supervised by a teacher. After completing each item, the group must report to the centre and record their results in the organisation chart. The aim is also to complete all the posts as quickly as possible. In this way, the groups can gain valuable points for the final evaluation. At the end, everything will be evaluated (post work and time).

Note: It is an advantage if the participants already know the post tasks. This avoids misunderstandings in the post tasks that have to be solved independently.

Examples of an X-Athlon

Jigsaw puzzle relay

All groups start at this post. One group member runs and picks up one of the puzzle pieces deposited face up. Then the next group member starts and gets the next piece. The puzzle is put together on a cardboard box.

Little orienteering

Eight posts are marked on a map. All the posts must be run to. The numbers and the word found at the post are noted down. Finally, a solution set is created.


Notes joined into bundles of points are hung on trees at different heights. Each group member climbs twice, getting his or her possible score by tearing off a score slip. The point total is then written on the poster.

Target Throw

20 throwing objects (five each of pine cones, stones, wooden sticks and tennis balls) are divided equally among the group members. Shots are to be fired at the target from the throwing line. The number of hits is noted on the list.

Mountain bike crosstour

After each lap, a different person must complete the course until everyone has ridden through once (as a group, six laps must be completed). The total number is written down.


As many passes as possible must be played over a taut line within two minutes. The number of passes is written down.

Jumping a rope

How many jumps can the group do together within two minutes? The number of times the group jumps rope is written on the poster

Source reference:

Content: Patrik Lehner, sports teacher, Y+S subject teacher "camp sports/trekking" and lecturer at the Inst. for Sport at the University of Basel "mobile" BASPO, Magglingen

copyright: www.mobile-sport.ch

Drawings: Leo Kühne

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