
This is a seat-of-the-pants game that has as its goal spreading kindness in general.

A sense of togetherness and cooperation within a group can be fostered with this pantsack game.

This is a seat-of-the-pants game that requires everyone's full attention. Everyone can win or everyone can lose.

In this seat-of-the-pants game, participants must be considerate of the group slowest.

This is a pants bag game that can be played in the tun hall with little materials. It encourages cooperation and a willingness to help each other among the participants.

This is a pants bag game that can be used as a primal scream workout, and is great for holding life up / expressing the joy of living!

Whether in the Sola, on a normal Jungschar afternoon or on a team outing, a cosy fire should almost never be missing. But which leader does not know it, that he quickly reaches for kindling cubes due to lack of knowledge or lack of time and inwardly knows: "I have sinned against the Jungschar law!" :)

Well this booklet can't give you extra time making a fire, but it can give you tips and tricks on how to make a fire survival style.

These topics are covered:
- What are the regulations/laws of fire making?
- Different natural tinder (tinder sponge/birch bark etc.)
- Different spark generators (ignition steel, fire drill etc.)
- Fire forms (pyramid, layered fire)
- Fire drilling
- Different dishes for over the fire

The booklet is very good for personal use, for leaders but also for children.
Have fun reading through it and then maybe making a fire.

The three cantons of Uri, Schwyz and Nidwalden each form a game group. The game is played according to the official rules (Swiss edition)

Jungschi Advent Advent Calendar

As a leadership team, you could make your Jungschi children an Advent devotional calendar.

The calendar includes reading the Christmas story, encouraging words, and little contests.

Here's the template for how we gave the kids the calendar for St. Nicholas Boys' Night. Some of the template still needs to be modified.

Have fun!

Quarterly program for 9 youth group afternoons with 8 devotions, December to April in 2 parts


The Bible:

- incredible

- full strong

- topical

- personal


Games Workbook for Youth and Teen Ministry No. 03






15 puzzles on stories from the Old Testament. They are suitable as a supplement to Bible studies in school lessons, children's services, Sunday school, youth group lessons and camps

17 puzzles lead through the New Testament. Useful for devotions with Bible stories, Bible studies in children's services, Sunday school, youth group

Quarterly program for 9 boys' afternoons and 8 devotions

Program based on events at the mountains:
- Moriah
- Sinai
- Carmel

Poured gel candles are easy to make and look soooo great!

Theatre for 9 girls

Do you know the board games:
- Shovelboard
- Go

There are various tournament forms, both well-known and little-known.

Choose which one is best for your group and your occasion.

A highlight of the Jungschi know-how market is: pulling chocolate candles.

Try it once!

Resolving conflicts with various game ideas - is that possible? Mediation can be a solution approach.

Basic Course 1 - 4 by Peter Blaser, instructions for 8 days of quiet time with texts from the Epistle of Peter

At a family retreat, you can play AUTODORF-RALLEY for a change.

Can you "experience" the Narue with seeing, hearing, smelling? How does one do that?

Helps clarify Bible stories for children's worship, school, and home.

Paul's Co-Workers in Christ Jesus - Teamwork in the Service of the Lord


Background information, suggestions for program design, food for thought for Jungscharn afternoons

Silent Time and Song Booklet for Camp Week

General thoughts on reading the Bible:

- Communion with God
- God waits for echoes
- God invites us to an encounter with Him

Here you will find a tutorial on how to make a simple bubble device yourself. This can be used for competitions, as it is possible to make long bubble snakes (more than 1m long).


Miscellaneous game tournaments

The Federal Office of Sport in Magglingen, Y+S Documentation, has many teaching materials and brochures on the subject of Youth+Sport

The value of life - divine.

Divine life - without loss of value.

The task - to make life worth living.

Other games:
- Good day, Mr. Forester
- Fox and hare
- Forest word game

Other games:

- Owls and crows

- Wooden game

- Pine cone fangis


Perhaps we have already had contact with "magical" places in the forest and can imagine that a long time ago in the forest have also hoofed strange creatures, such as dragons, giants, dwarves. Of course, these beings have also known games. Two of them are presented here.

Games to: Explore forest habitat

An evening around the campfire is made for storytelling, and those stories today are, of course, about the forest.

Dusk is a special time in the forest. One has the feeling that silence returns to the forest. Probably this impression is based on the fact that the bird calls gradually disappear. But of course there is no peace in the forest, because now begins for many animals the actually active time of day.


When we hear "forest animal" we probably think first of the larger specimens of forest fauna, such as deer, stags, foxes, badgers, or perhaps martens or squirrels, but there are many more.

We get to know the forest as a habitat for plants in an experiential way. "Knowing" here means much more than just knowing the names. We learn about the characteristics and nature of plant life and try to get closer to them in different ways

The following suggestion goes beyond the actual forest day. We present here a frame story that takes place every day and that creates rather quiet, contemplative moments in the lively camp life.

We search and find surprising things in the forest

We have now playfully introduced ourselves to the forest floor. However, have we really noticed what it has on the ground?

Sensory Experiences - Playfulness

The given order of the program suggestions is one possibility among many.

Depending on the age group, it may be more appropriate to spread the "Forest Day" ideas over several days.

In the forest, there are various rules to follow