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A game of tag that was developed in a BESJ leadership course. Fits thematically to biblical stories where people are in prison (e.g. Peter, Paul)

The board loop is used to attach a board for a swing, for example. Two loops are placed around the board and the inner loop is then pulled over the board.

A semester program of 7 devotions and activities based on the story 'The Schlunz' by Harry Voss.

The Bretzel, also called Schiffer or half blow, is used to fasten a taut rope to a tree or mast. He is a tapered noose.


  • Age group 7 to 14 years
  • In equal place
  • At least 3 supervisors
  • About 30 min.

A wind direction sensor, called a wind vane or weather vane, is an indicating instrument for determining the wind direction. A movable measuring element aligns itself with the dynamic pressure of the wind.

In the desert town of EI Geyser fire has broken out and far and wide there is no water to extinguish it. The residents ask for help in the firefighting efforts. They put out a reward for those who transport the most water into the city.

Two airlines are gearing up for battle. They hurriedly make as many firefighting planes as possible, fill water in the tanks and fly as fast as possible to EI Geysir.

The cover image here shows the game plan.


  • Age group 7 to 14
  • In a room with a table
  • 1-2 leaders
  • Up to 25 min.

The inhabitants of Quark tried to sneak across the strictly guarded border and recover the money stolen during the many years from the bank in Quark. The inhabitants of Quark try to do the same with the bank of Quark.

This is a seat-of-the-pants game that has as its goal spreading kindness in general.

The "Great Cow Trade" needs longer preparation as a terrain game, but is really original as a game idea!

Here are instructions to create a dart with a needle, 4 matches, a little thread and a piece of paper.

+ The game requires no props.

+ Pleasant and fast gameplay.

The management cycle is a guideline for rational action. This usually leads to solid results in the medium to long term in all areas of children and youth work.

The management cycle is a guideline for rational action

In this night terrain game, players are on a quest to find a secret agent. This agent is in possession of a very important briefcase. Will you find out the necessary information to lure him out of his hiding place?



A simple technique to encourage children to provide brief feedback.

The somewhat different cooking recipe. The ingredients must first be looked up in the Bible passages :D

Game about the people of Israel in the Sinai desert and the golden calf.

Collection of ideas on the bearing theme Nehemiah.

Also selectable as a semester program or single game.

Make fun pencil ornaments with pipe cleaners

Make a heart-shaped card holder out of wire. The card holder fits e.g. love (God loves you), friendship (e.g. story of David and Jonathan) or is suitable as a present for Mother's Day.

Various variations on how to form teams for games, for example.

Bible passages:

  • Matthew 13:24-30
  • Matthew 13:36-43


  • Evangelism
  • who bears fruit?
  • Bringing light into the world
  • Jesus` coming again

Many and all Bible-based statements that become a love letter from our Creator to you.

The diamond knot is a beautiful decorative knot.

A devotional concept for a semester with 9 afternoons.

It deals with 9 important stations / miracles / experiences from the life of Jesus.

In the limited playing field of a group, about 15 bend lights are hidden in the meadow. The opposing group must run through the field and without being caught by the opposing group bring these bend lights to his playing field and hide them again.

A team role is the designation of a function, position, or task that a team member has been assigned within a work group or that has evolved due to group dynamics within the team.

Semester program on the story of Brother Andrew / the history of Open Doors and an insight into Christian persecution/Bible smuggling in the former Eastern Bloc. Based on the book "Smugglers of God." Devotional concepts included.

It is about the story of Joseph in Genesis 41

The mason's knot is suitable for attaching to trees or for hauling beams and logs with a rope. It is a tapered loop and holds only under tension. The knot is also called a carpenter's knot.

Spiritual Concept of a Semester with 9 Devotions on the Lives of Elijah and Elisha.

From salt dough you can make great tablets of the law. First, they look very real and second, Moses can break them in his anger. (Unfortunately, ours were broken before a photo was taken...)

Later, Moses had to write down the laws himself. You might as well make some as vertüferli with the Jungschärlern.

The labyrinth is a kind of post run with 75 posts. The correct solution of a post always results in the next post to be approached. If you choose the wrong solution, you will end up on a wrong path, from which you will sooner or later return to the correct path.

This Bible quiz is very popular among teenagers. In a playful way they look for Bible passages and learn the Bible once in a special way.

A book summary of the book "The Smuggler of God" by Brother Andrew.

The whole text has been summarized and individual sections that are particularly important have been highlighted.



Always think of bad weather when making camp preparations!

A great little bag for devotions on a wide variety of topics.

You can also attach a hidden message that appears when you open the clothespin.

A devotional concept for a semester of 8 devotions.

It deals with different parables from the Bible, which may not yet be known by all children.

A scroll, was used before there were books, newspapers or a PC. Many children do not know what a scroll looked like or how it was used. During the devotion this scroll can be unrolled and read out. Afterwards, each child can make such a scroll and for each new story there is a new picture in each hour, until the story, for example, of Joseph is finished.

There are two games running in parallel. In the official game, the children have to build a city. Some are selected as Christians and proselytize among the others. The state authorities/police want to prevent this and persecute the Christians.

In a group, people take different roles according to their character.

Spiritual concept of a semester with 9 devotions on the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7).

The children learn about the standards of Jesus and how to apply them.

They read independently in the Bible and share about it.

As we are planning a trip to the local fire department with the Jungschar, I wanted to hold a devotion in the spirit of the unit program. But since I didn't find very much material for this, I worked something out myself. The goal was to form a tangible parallel between the world of experience of the fire department and the Gospel, but at the same time to be able to pass on a practical application for everyday life especially also for the many church children in our Jungschar.

After we have experienced a cool Sola with Asterix & Obelix, we do not want to withhold our planning documents from you and hope to be able to provide you with tools and ideas for an exciting Sola.

If you have any questions or uncertainties, please do not hesitate to contact us at Jungschar Uzwil.

For example, to represent a Lightning McQueen (or even another character) in a game, it can be made from a cardboard box with simple means.

"La Roche" has invented a string wax. Other companies want it too. You can get the recipe for it from "La Roche", it is divided into small parts. The agent must be prepared in a watering can. This is what you have to look for.

Why is there a need for something as old-fashioned and traditional as a uniform in the Jungschar?

This is a fair question. If you look into the question a bit, you will find many reasons to have a uniform in a Jungschar group. This article shows how a Jungschar uniform can become a can't-miss element in Jungschar.